Friday, June 21, 2013

Happy First Day of Summer & Weekend Plans

photo courtesy of Vintage Holiday Crafts
The First Day of Summer!
Our forecast is for hot temperatures,
and we're in a Severe Thunderstorm Watch...

 What are your weekend plans?
This afternoon, we're heading to Tapz for a little 
Happy Hour Jazz.
The guys haven't played for a while, 
but I'll save that story for another time.

Hubby continues to work on painting the exterior of our home...

While, I continue to scour the interior.

Best wishes for a productive weekend!

Take care,

p.s. To sign-up for my Birthday Give-Away,
click on this post and leave a comment.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day & an Anniversary Celebration in Heaven

Happy Father's Day to my hubby...
father to these lovely young women,
our daughters.

Even though our nest is empty, 
Dad is here with sound advice and to provide loving support...
any time of the day or night.

Today is my parent's wedding anniversary.
They were married in 1946...67 years ago.
My dad died in 1988, and now, after 25 years alone,
my mom is celebrating with my Daddy in heaven.

Just picture them...
 at a nice supper club, 
my daddy would order the BBQ Ribs.

And if the band plays "Alley Cat",
They would do a little two-step around the dance floor.

Sweet memories.

Take care,

p.s. Scroll down to the previous post
 to sign up for my birthday give-away.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Happy Flag Day ~ Happy Birthday to my Blog ~

photo courtesy of Vintage Holiday Crafts

O Flag of our Union

O flag of our Union,
To you we'll be true,
To your red and white stripes,
And your stars on the blue;
The emblem of freedom,
The symbol of right,
We children salute you,

O flag fair and bright!

Today also marks the anniversary of my 
I chose this date, as it was also my grandmother's birthday.
She was born June, 14, 1893.
Yes, 120 years ago.

When I was growing up, we stopped to visit Grandma,
every. single. day.

She was always wearing an apron,
and there was always something freshly baked,
cooling by her kitchen window.
My favorites were
 her Banana Cream Pie and 
her "Cry Babies" Molasses Cookies.

This is her her handwriting...
Yes, I have and treasure her recipe box.
When she baked, I don't think she actually followed a recipe...I think she just knew what to do.
However, my mother encouraged her to write some of the favorites down for her family.

Do you have your Grandmother's favorite recipes?
Be sure to gather some for your collection...
while you still have time.

Happy Flag Day...Happy Blog Birthday...
and Happy Weekend, everyone.

Take care,

p.s. And following my tradition, I will select (at random) one comment  from this post to receive a package from me. The winner will be drawn on my Birthday, June 23rd.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Where the Week Went & Saturday's Work

 During the summer, the weeks just seem to fly by...
Here is a quick review of our second week of summer break.
A visit from Line prompted a family dinner...
and I'm so glad Line got to meet Nellie!

Nellie's friends were performing in the 
Living Arts Studio Dance Recital.

I was happy to go with Nellie,
as you all remember how much I love dance
and Miss Vicki.

And of course our anniversary...
A special delivery from Stacy made my day!

Dinner out with Nellie completed our celebration.

Saturday's Work

So much to little time...
Painting the exterior of our home is a project long overdue.
Hubby has been working nights and weekends...

Friday night was a perfect evening to work outside,
however, this was Saturday's forecast.

The rain brought us inside...a chance to work on my kitchen cleaning.
Do you see the little sticky notes?
Those are the cupboards that are completed!
Yay...more than half done!!

(My hubby teases me for the sticky notes... 
"You mean, you can't remember which ones you've done?!"
But since I'm cleaning the insides of the cupboards,
I like to see my progress!

And then, when I polish the outsides of the cupboard doors,
I take the sticky notes down!
Makes perfect sense, right?)

I'm sad to announce that our Miss Nellie will be 
returning to her home in Denmark on Tuesday.
Our nest will be empty and quiet again...

but, I can only imagine how excited her family 
will be to greet her in Copenhagen.

Take care,

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Happy Anniversary, Honey~Our year of changes~

Here's to our 32nd year of marriage!

While this year, our family experienced many changes,
we still enjoy so many of the same things...
Arts Festivals...

Going out to eat with our family and friends...

Bison Football...
Twins Baseball & Bruins Hockey...

...and of course, traveling together!

Best wishes for another 32 years!!
Love you!
Cheers, everyone!

Take care,

Yay for Friday ~Where the Week Went ~Spring Cleaning ~Woodshop Creations

“Spring is in the Air” And Spring Cleaning is on my Agenda. It feels so good to let the fresh air and sunshine in, And clear all dust bunnie...