Sunday, March 30, 2014

Happy Anniversary to my Vintage/Notions Shop

This weekend marks the 5th Anniversary for my 
second Etsy Shop...Natalie's Notions.

Most of you know about my Tins and Treasures Shop
that features our handmade items...
but I needed a place to list my extra sewing supplies.

Indeed, I have enough sewing and crafting supplies...
more than I can use up in my lifetime.
I wanted to share with all of you, so I opened this shop on March 28, 2009.
Can you believe it has been five years?!

In addition to Ribbon, Lace and Trims,
I have kits, patterns, fabric and notions.

I also find that this shop is the perfect place to list my mom's things,
like her vintage farmhouse kitchen utensils...

her vintage jewelry...

and her precious collecion of vintage scarves.

If you would like to take a peek, here are the links:
Ribbon, Lace & Trim = click here
Sewing & Crafting Notions = click here
Vintage Patterns = click here
Vintage Kitchen = click here 
Vintage Jewelry = click here
Vintage Scarves = click here

Some of the sections are nearly sold out, but trust me...
I have plenty of things to list this spring.
So stop back often!!

And, I just might have time on my hands tomorrow.
If the forecast comes true,
we will all be house-bound tomorrow!

Stay safe and warm.
Take care,

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Whatcha' Workin' on Wednesday...

Since my accident and wrist surgery,
anything in my studio appears to be work.
But one has to start somewhere.
Recently, I have tried a bit of crochet....

These all sold out at our local winter arts festival,
so I have been creating more, in fresh spring colors...
to be listed in my Etsy shop and featured in our next OFG celebration.
(stay tuned!)

But first things first.
A teacher is the most busy at the beginning of a school term...
introducing new courses, learning student names, 
checking out books, discussing classroom expectations.

Not to mention, correcting and calculating grades from the previous term.
This was the scene in our hotel room on our recent 'vacation' to Minnesota.
And.. nearly.. every.. day.. at.. home.. since!!

So, after a few hours of 'homework' tonight,
I am enjoying a bit of time 'creating'.

Take care,

Thursday, March 20, 2014

A Sure Sign of Spring...

...changing out the dishes in my kitchen cabinet!

As a teacher, I enjoy the benefits of following a school calendar.
And the third week in March always brings...
...Spring Break!

I just love having a couple of extra days at home.
For me, it is an opportunity for some spring cleaning.

This morning, I packed up my snowman dishes, 
and am now enjoying these fresh, bright dishes for spring.

While I still have a "to-do" list for school that is a mile long,
my spirits have been lifted.
I feel like, maybe I'll make it!!

Happy Spring, everyone!
Take care,

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Happy Birthday, Darling Emily

A quarter of a century ago, you came into our lives.
We all were so excited for your arrival.

Amy wanted a little sister sooo badly.
And here you were...a perfect little baby doll.

You made our family complete.
Two parents...two precious children.

Such a pretty little thing...

Here's your first birthday, 
with the traditional milkglass pedistal cake plate...

And, your pile of presents was bigger than you were!

I don't think you've ever liked soda pop.

You always have taken your studies very seriously...

And you have always been pleased with a job well done!

Like your big sister, there was nothing better...

than kitties out on Grammy's porch!

And like your sister, you loved to dress up.
You wore tights 24/7...
yes, even to sleep.

You two didn't miss an episode of Sesame Street.

Your play kitchen was a favorite.
Perhaps that is why you are such a good cook?!

Always active and so athletic.



Emily, you have always been our pride and joy.
We love you and we miss you.

We hope you had a fabulous birthday!
Mom and Dad

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

What'cha Workin' on Wednesday...Just trying to keep it all together!

This is Libbi, our February Student of the Month...
Here, she is entertaining one of our guest babies.
Or... is he entertaining her?!

I recently hosted a panel of teen moms to visit with my class.
Josie (on the right) started a support group at her church for young moms...
so, she made the announcement and helped organize the day.
Three of the four moms are my former students.

Our oldest baby was 11 months...
she is walking and loved all of the attention.
Her mom is able to finish her classes on-line.

Our youngest baby was just 3 weeks old.
His mom graduated in December.

This little guy is 3 months old.
His mom is finishing her graduation requirements 
in our Independent Learning Center.

And Josie's adorable little girl is 4 months old.
Josie graduated last May. She works at her church and has 
recently started her own photography business.

While all are doing well,
we had great discussion about the aspects of Teen Parenting.
Josie said it best...
"It's Great...but Wait!" 

The end of a term also brings final projects.
Of course, that means our Turkey Day.
Students prepare all of the traditional sides and 
enjoy a brief presentation by one of our assistant principals.

This spring, I found very, very large turkeys at the supermarket.
These two Big Toms were 18 pounds each.
I was sooo excited that I had them ride up in the child seat of my cart!

Driving Simulators: This was an impressive activity. 
There are two options. 
One is for Impaired Driving, 
the other is for Distracted Driving.
Students can actually use their own cell phones to text while driving.

This is just a glimpse of what a typical day is like for me.
I mentioned that I was assigned one of the worst schedules that I have had in 35 years.
While I like to keep my blog my happy place, I also need to tell it like it is.
Every day is a crazy, hectic day.
My alarm goes off at 4:30 every morning,
because that's when I need to be up to get myself and everything else ready for the day.
I feel stressed from the moment I open my eyes!

But, spring is near.

Tomorrow is the last day of 3rd term...
(that means, just one more term this year.)

And...I have had the best group of students this term.
They are kind, caring, considerate, helpful, funny, responsible, mature, smart, organized and hard working young adults.  
I am going to miss this group.

Take care,

Yay for Friday ~Where the Week Went ~Spring Cleaning ~Woodshop Creations

“Spring is in the Air” And Spring Cleaning is on my Agenda. It feels so good to let the fresh air and sunshine in, And clear all dust bunnie...