Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloweens Past...A Trip Down Memory Lane

Such sweet memories...
Every year our girls carved a Jack O' Lantern with their dad.
I was usually busy roasting the pumpkin seeds.

In 1989, Amy wore a winter parka under her princess costume.
Pretty sure, children will need lots of layers this year too!

I was in charge of sewing the costumes,
Hubby was always the make-up artist.

The girls had great friends, right in our neighborhood...

This was the year that Amy was a ballgirl for the our
local professional baseball team.

And, it was Emily's 
turn to be a princess.

Then...all of a sudden...
our girls were old enough to go trick or treating
with their school friends.

By now, Amy is in High School...
so no Trick or Treating for her.
She was probably getting ready for the Halloween Dance
at a friend's house.

One of the best parts of the evening was coming home
and checking out what was in your candy bag!

Here's wishing you a Happy Halloween...from our house to yours.

Take care...Stay Safe,

Saturday, October 25, 2014

TGIF~Knitting Club Report~and that just felt like TWO weeks in ONE

I look forward to Fridays for more than one reason...
not only is it the end of the work week, but it's Knitting Club Day.

So on Thursday evening, while hubby is at Praise Band rehearsal,
I prepare soup for the slowcooker.
This week was Southwest Chicken Chowder.
It was super easy and super delicious, and I will post the recipe soon.

We have less than an hour together.
We enjoy a quick bowl of soup and work on our projects.
Already, we have a box full of scarves ready to donate.

Here's what I have been working on.

So, I mentioned that first term ended on Tuesday.
(With reviews, end of course exams and final projects,
that felt like a full week already)

And new classes started Wednesday.
I think I learned 98 new names this week. 
By fourth block all of the Freshman girls started to look the same!

I hope you all had a productive work week...

Take care,

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Monday Mania~Where the Weekend Went~and Friends for Forty Years

We enjoyed another great weekend 
cheering on the Bison.

Here's another look at these sweet young ladies.
Of course, the teacher in me asked about their classes.
They assured me that things were going well.
They were excellent students in high school, so I expected nothing less.

Watching football in the Dome is an awesome experience...

After the game, we met Cathy for a quick bite to eat before heading home.
First thing she said to me,  "Can you believe we've been friends for 40 years?"

"No, kidding...we're only 40 years old, right?!"

I am so happy we've stayed in touch.  
Cathy is a special woman and I cherish our friendship.

Now, back to the reality of the work week.
It is the end of first
End of course exams, final projects, checking in books.
New term starts...tomorrow.
New courses, new students, checking out books.
I'm glad this craziness happens only twice during the school year!

Take care,

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Sorting through my Photos...Looking for the Blog-Worthy...It's Time to Catch Up!

Goodness, it has been nearly two weeks since my last post...
and it's not like we have nothing going on here.
But it does seem pretty routine...maybe dull?
Lucy has helped me unpack my boxes of fall/winter clothes
and store away my spring/summer wardrobe.

One more year of Homecoming is in the books.
My Super Study Students are Juniors!
Can you see them growing up, right before your eyes?!

Thursday was Beachwear Day. 
This was a challenge to find beachwear
that is still "school appropriate".
(Girls, do you remember this dress?I purchased it in Waikiki to wear to the Luau??)

Some students are just so creative!

Western Wednesday was a whole lot easier for us South Dakotans...
need I say more?!


My Super Heros.

"Murica" Monday.

All this fun just wears me out!

This week, things at school are back to normal.
And there are only five days till the end of 1st term.
It's time for students to finish final projects
and study for end of course exams.

And then the correcting begins.
Take care,

Yay for Friday ~Where the Week Went ~Spring Cleaning ~Woodshop Creations

“Spring is in the Air” And Spring Cleaning is on my Agenda. It feels so good to let the fresh air and sunshine in, And clear all dust bunnie...