Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Outdoor living ~ Tuesday Tip of the Day

It's September...the weather is changing...

We will soon have to say goodbye to our outdoor living areas.
Sooo sad...as I love our patio...
I love sitting out there in the early morning and the late afternoon.

This summer...
It seems like it rained so often here...
and my chair cushions were always saturated...

Just tuck this tip away for next year...
Use your clip clothes pins to hold those chair cushions in a vertical position.

The water runs right off.

The chair  cushions aren't so saturated...
and you're  are ready for guests in a moment's notice.

I hope you are having a great week.


Pat said...

Natalie...a great tip, nothing worse than an unexpected wet bottom. I too am not looking forward to a time when one needs to be inside most days. Just hoping that we don't have as much snow as we have had the past several years.

Rachel said...

What a great tip! Thank you so much!

Willoughby said...

So smart! We have a covered porch so I don't have to worry much about the cushions getting wet unless it's blowing really hard. Next year, though, I hope to have our pool deck completed and your tip will come in handy for the furniture out there.

I can see why you enjoy your deck so much, it's so pretty and inviting!

Suzanne said...

Great tip and I love the carpet you have under your table. It's beautiful!

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Awesome tip! Natalie
Thanks for sharing!
No more wet butts around here!
Prim Blessings

Busy Bee Suz said...

That is a great tip!!! I have mine propped up to keep the cats from sleeping (shedding) all over them.
Funny, you are putting away your outdoor stuff, and I am cleaning mine hoping for cooler weather...that is when we enjoy our outdoors.
Have a great day!

Linda said...

What a great tip! It has been too hot to enjoy our pergola & patio this summer, but we are finally getting some cool evenings and mornings. Hope you get to enjoy yours a little more before it gets cold!

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