Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Monday Mail Call ~Just Love Friendly Mail and Surprise Packages ~~So, After Fifty-nine and a Half Years...

I love hearing from family and friends during the holidays.
I am still enjoying the greeting cards 
that are arriving each day in January.

Last Monday, I was tickled when I checked the mail 
and found a package.
Everyone needs Friendly Mail on a Monday!

Daughter #1 had sent a hair straightener
and a new scarf to add a spark to my 
dreary winter wardrobe!

And yesterday...this came in the mail.

Yes, Hubby and I have been given
the opportunity to travel
"Across the Pond".

A once-in-a-lifetime-experience for us!

Take care,


Tolentreasures said...

Oh, how fun, when and where are you going?


Lil Raggedy Angie said...

I agree Happy Mail on Monday should be a must ! How exciting to have the opportunity to travel across the pond~ Im a new follower and look forward to reading future posts~ Blessings Angela

Yay for Friday ~Where the Week Went ~Spring Cleaning ~Woodshop Creations

“Spring is in the Air” And Spring Cleaning is on my Agenda. It feels so good to let the fresh air and sunshine in, And clear all dust bunnie...