Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday Mania ~ Where did the Summer Go?

It's gone...
Summer, that is.

It's back to school for teachers and students.
Have a good day, everyone.

I'll see you tonight.
Take care,

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Things in my House that Make me Smile

Yesterday, I came across the little hankie I carried on our wedding day.
It was toward the bottom...toward the back...
of a drawer in my dresser in our bedroom.
Such sweet flowers.
Such sweet scallops.
And you all know the tradition...
Something old,
Something new,
Something borrowed,
Something blue.
This was my grandmother's hankie.
It is a soft powder blue.
It brings a smile to my face.

Take care,

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Coffee...To Go...

When you pick up coffee,
What size do you buy?
(Starbucks photo from Google images)
I need some input...
I am creating Calico Coffee Cup Cozies.

I happened to have a paper cup protector from the last time that we were at Panera...
I did some tracing, measuring, adding and tweaking.

For now, I am using a 12 oz. Dixie Grab and Go Cup to try on for fit.

Leave me a comment...
Let me know what size coffee, tea, cocoa, or latte you like to order.

I'll wait to hear from you before I make too many more...
Cause I'm thinking...
I may need to enlarge my pattern for the next batch?

If you are stopping by to visit my studio, click here.
Remember...there is a Pumpkin Patch give-away included!

Take care,

Monday, August 16, 2010

Happy Birthday to Hubby, and Where Did the Half-Century Go?

We've had a lot of fun celebrating hubby's birthday.
I predicted that I would be too busy to take pictures at his party on Saturday.

Yup...there were 55 people here.
I was kept busy taking care of the kitchen and buffet table.
Amy, Emily, Seth and Jake were all fabulous help...
food preparation, serving beverages, greeting guests, making introductions, cleaning up.
Plus...just having them here made the party very special.

The girls at hubby's office were scheming all week.
I guess he's quite a prankster at work and they wanted to pay him back.
Friday, his pod was filled with black balloons and sealed with plastic wrap.

They planned a pot luck and invited his family to the office for lunch.
Emily, his mom, and I enjoyed a delicious meal with all of them on Friday.

Today is his actual birthday, sooo...
tonight we had a nice quiet dinner here with three other couples...
it was a perfect way to celebrate...a relaxing evening just visiting with good friends.

Happy Birthday, Scott.
I hope you enjoyed time with your family and friends.

Take care,

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Where Country Folks Create Blog Party and a Pumpkin Patch Give Away

Seems like yesterday...however, it has been 2 months since the
'Where Bloggers Create' party.
If you missed my post, you may click here
for a close up peek into my studio.
This is where I sew, if the project is small.
For denim quilts and such, I move my machine out to the dining room table.
My desk is where I often sit to organize.
The vanity bench was my mom's...
I brought this home in July, since there was no space for it in her room at the assisted living facility.
The dresser beside the guest bed stores shipping materials...
tape, labels, note cards, and tissue paper.

The closet?  Ummm...please, don't ask!
It is full of patterns, thread, yarn, fabric, paint, tins, books, bags...
I worked hard yesterday to contain everything within and to get the doors closed!
This is part of hubby's shop.
I actually know how to use the band saw and have cut some simple birdhouses.
Usually, he does all of our woodworking.

Now, I love using the belt sander...
...especially after a tough day at school!'ve recently seen Amy's room that now houses my mom's custom built sewing cabinets.
This is where I hope to organize supplies and my finished projects.

It's always fun to take a peek into another artist's studio.
Please click here to visit the other participants in this blog party.

Pumpkin Patch Give Away
Anyone who comments on this post during the blog party,
August 15 - 21,
will be eligible to win a little surprise from my pumpkin patch.

Take care,

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Weekend Celebration

The girls and their guys arrived last evening.
It was a beautiful night to sit out on the deck and grill a couple of steaks.

The big birthday party is tonight.
I hope I am not too busy in the kitchen and can take a few pictures to share.
I also hope that it stops raining so all of our guests can be outside to enjoy hubby's new patio.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.
Take care,

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Things in my House that Make me Happy

I've been having so much fun refreshing Amy's pink bedroom.
Last summer, it was emptied and cleaned for Line, our foreign exchange student.
Then, she left in May...and, well...we had to decide what's next for the room...
It's a long story...

We spent last weekend with Emily and Jake.
Remember, in May, we had helped Emily move out of one apartment and into another.
We helped her with the large furniture and moved her boxes...
but couldn't stay, as mom was to be discharged from the rehab facility.
We had not been back to see Emily in her new place.
The weather was beautiful, so we took in a Red Hawks game.
Complete with fireworks!

We also went there to help Emily shop for a bigger bed.
So, Emily bought a queen size bed and we brought her twin bed home with us.

Earlier this summer, I had already made room for mom's custom built sewing cabinets.
But, I gladly rearranged the furniture again, so it will fit in Amy's room here.

I am happy to have enough beds for the girls, and for Seth and Jake, too. 
It's not often when they are all here at the same time...
but, I feel so much better about offering them a bed, rather than a spot on a couch.
I have also started a collection of pictures for the pink room.
It started when I found the large one for $8.00.
Pink flowers and the gold frame...
I could pass it up!

All of these were found at thrift stores when staying at mom's in North Dakota.
The total cost for these for all these pictures was less than $15.00.

I think they add a nice touch to the room.
Emily says it's a little bit 'girlie'...
but I don't think their boyfriends will mind.

Take care,

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Another Package in the Mail and Whatcha Workin On Wednesday?

Just before I left for mom's I received a package...
I was expecting little watermelon slices...
but what's this?
Something is looking at me!

Just so neatly wrapped in pattern tissue
and tied with strips of calico...
I think I might have actually 'squealed' with delight!!
Brenda sent a surprise...
and I think it's just perfect!
But there was more...
Cute...cute strawberries and watermelon slices...
A whole basket full.
Thank you, Brenda.
I love them.

Brenda is in the midst of moving, so her Etsy shop is on vacation mode...
but please stop over at her blog, The Rusty Thimble and sign up for her latest giveaway.

I can't believe a whole week has passed since my last blog post...
plus, I'm way behind on blog reading and blog commenting. 
I am looking forward to seeing what everyone has been up to.

Hubby has a big birthday next week so I have been very busy with party preparations.
Hopefully, I'll have some pictures to share this weekend.

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...