Sunday, September 25, 2011

College Football Saturday ~ Did your team win?

We took a break from our Saturday's work to go downtown to watch our two favorite teams on the big screen. We don't get the Big Ten network at home, and well, we needed two TV's, as one game started at 6:07 and the other at 6:30.

NDSU Bison over the Minnesota Gophers
37 - 24

Meanwhile, over on the other screen...

Nebraska Huskers over the Wyoming Cowboys
38 - 14

Yes, we went to bed happy football fans!

Take care,

Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Mom

It's my mom's birthday...she is 91 today.
We celebrated with her last weekend.
Emily made enough Million Dollar Pie 
for everyone at the home.
Gifts were simple, as my mom doesn't want anymore stuff.
(neither do I...really...)

Family has always been so important to my mom...
she loves hearing from her granddaughters, siblings, nieces and nephews.

She stayed active in the community until about 18 months ago...
Clearing her own snow...
Going out to eat with her gentleman friend...
And participating in church events.

I talked to her earlier this evening.
She so enjoyed the cards and calls she received today.

She had a good day.
Happy Birthday, Mom.

Take care,

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What'cha Workin' On Wednesday ~ Question of the Day ~ and Sometimes I just Laugh Out Loud

Tomorrow = first term parent/teacher conferences.
This week students are checking grades and handing in missing assignments.
So, I am correcting and recording like crazy tonight!

In Basic Foods class we prepared our Homemade Pizza...
and again, the never-ending debate...
does the pepperoni go under or over the cheese?
I overheard one student say, 
You have to put the pepperoni on top, so the customer knows what kind of pizza it is.
Obviously, he works in a pizza place with a lunch buffet.

How do you all layer your homemade pizza?

My Etsy Team is preparing for the Winter Gift Giving Season with our

to see my latest batch of decorated tins.

Ok...back to correcting the test I gave today...
I just have to share this...

Now...Remember...I teach at the High School level...
Did you notice this message on the top paper of the stack of school work in the photo above?'re reading that right...
"I am aware that I got many wrong.
May this picture of a Giraffe give me +1 :)"

In 3 years, he is going to be in college.


Take care,

Monday, September 19, 2011

Grand Opening Day~OFG Winter Celebration

As the retail stores prepare for the winter and holiday season,
so must the artists on Etsy.

Our Old Farmhouse Gathering
Winter Celebration
starts today.

Take care,

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Where the Weekend Went...

...For Starters...It was Homecoming Weekend.
At the Pep Assembly, I sat with the football players.
The cheerleaders and band generated enthusiasm.
Here's the Student Senate and the 'Royalty'...
The Hip Hop Dance Team...
And Drumline brings everyone to their feet.

It was a great start to my weekend.
I have much more to share, but I am exhausted and will post more pics tomorrow.

Take care,

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What'cha Workin' on Wednesday...and a Melt-in-your-Mouth Recipe

It is Homecoming Week...
and I am proud to say, the Homecoming King is in my Advocate Group.
(that's a high school term for home room)
Meet Matthew...
He is nice to everyone...he greets everyone by name...
and always has a positive attitude.

(and...did you notice that I took this opportunity to bring out my cupcake tree?!)
Here's the whole group...
I cannot believe they are seniors!
I have 'mothered' them for four years.
(Pretty sure I'll cry on their last day of school!)

Some of you know I am referred to as the 'Queen Mother' at school
one in 2002 and one in 2006.
(This has never happened before...
Sisters, both selected to represent their class as the Homecoming Queen.)

This photo is pretty special, as we three were together on Mothers Day...
first time since 2003.

Homecoming Week doesn't mean we can be slackers in class.
This week is the start of our Yeast Bread unit in Basic Foods.
Are these just not the most perfectly shaped crescent rolls you've ever seen??
And these? Golden brown in color...
Melt in your mouth texture...
I've posted the recipe before, but here it is again.
A printer friendly option on our

I hope you take the opportunity to try these.
Kneading and shaping the dough is so therapeutic...
and they really do melt in your mouth!

Take care,

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Outdoor living ~ Tuesday Tip of the Day

It's September...the weather is changing...

We will soon have to say goodbye to our outdoor living areas.
Sooo I love our patio...
I love sitting out there in the early morning and the late afternoon.

This summer...
It seems like it rained so often here...
and my chair cushions were always saturated...

Just tuck this tip away for next year...
Use your clip clothes pins to hold those chair cushions in a vertical position.

The water runs right off.

The chair  cushions aren't so saturated...
and you're  are ready for guests in a moment's notice.

I hope you are having a great week.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday Mail Call ~ Secret Sister Swap

Dear Secret Sister,
I am always delighted with the packages you send to me.
I can't wait to find out who you are!
Your handmade cards are a treasure 
and a personal note from you is the best part!

I love the prim touches to your wrapping and packing.
The handcrafted coffee cup mat makes me smile in the morning.
And you were so thoughtful to share some of your fabric stash with me,
since we don't have a fabric store of our own here.
I especially like the hand-stitched kitchen towel...
it coordinates with the rest of the reds in our kitchen.
Thank you so much for everything!

It sounds like you have had a rough month...
I will keep you in my thoughts and hope that your situation there is improving.

Take care,

Sunday, September 11, 2011

We Remember

I'm sure each of us remembers exactly where we were and
what we were doing when we first heard this news.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all who were lost, and to their families and friends...
and our deepest gratitude goes to all who have given to our country through personal sacrifice or through the service of their loved ones.

Peace be with you.

Take care,

(photo from Google images, September 11

Friday, September 9, 2011

TGIF & a South Dakota Seafood Boil...

Usually, a Dinner Party in South Dakota involves a grill and some form of beef... rib...
(Now, I'm not complaining...I love a good steak!)
but, our friends, Chuck and Wendy, were in the mood for a change of pace.

Their backyard is beautiful...lush and green.

The evening weather was perfect out on their patio.

Here's Patty and our lovely hostess, Wendy.

Our dinner was divine...

And, conversation with good friends lasted way into the darkness.
Thank you for the wonderful evening.
(Have I mentioned that summer is my favorite season?!)

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...