Friday, June 26, 2009

Ed, Farrah, and Michael

For those of us that are 50 something, it has been a week of remembering and celebrating the lives of three big names in our entertainment world. When I was growing up, there was just one TV channel on the farm and only one late night show. My Daddy seldom missed the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Many nights I lay in bed listening to the familiar voice say "And Heeere's Johnny!"

And how many of us tried to duplicate that famous hairstyle of one of the famous Charlie's Angels?

Michael Jackson...The King of Pop... Watching the tribute to his music this morning brought back so many memories of his early days singing with his brothers in The Jackson Five, and all his hits during the 80's. He was a gifted musician and performer and I hope that is the way in which he is remembered.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Meowy Birthday

Is this just not the cutest package from my hubby? ...and when I opened the flap, they actually meowed the birthday song. ...I just had to play it more than once!!

We had a lovely dinner out with friends. Do you think I can go to class tomorrow and tell the teacher that I don't have my homework done because I was having too much fun?

And these last two photos are for Shannon and Susie.

The measurements that I sent should be in order from left to right in these photos. Click on photo to enlarge.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday Mania

This post is for Shannon and Susie...
blog patient, I know you have all looked at pictures of baskets, of zippers, and of fabric remnants , but Shannon & Susie need to see more of the stash of laces that my mother in law brought over to list in my Etsy notions Shop...
This lace assortment ~ shows the pink, yellow and black.
Now, you can let me know if there is something you are interested in and I will be happy to measure width and length. I will also be happy to take additional pictures if there are specific pieces that you would like to see better, out of the package, opened up, close up, etc .

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

This is my mom's favorite picture of my Daddy and me. It was taken one Sunday after we came home from Sunday School...oh, probably about 48 years ago. She still carries it in her wallet. Whenever we look at it she says, "Your daddy would have given you the moon,if he could have." She had an enlargement of the photo made for my birthday last year, so I have it framed and on my desk. My Daddy died in 1988. I still miss him...

Here is my Hubby with our two daughters last spring. And you know what, girls? Your Daddy would give you the moon, if he could! 'Happy Fathers Day' to all Dads, everywhere!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Home Again...Home Again...Jiggidy Jog

It always feels good to be home again. I appreciate the sound of my family's voices; the ease of working in my own kitchen; the familiar routine of our evening walk; the comfort of my own bed; the taste of my home-brewed coffee; the wireless connection to the on-line community; the order of my home town newspaper; the convenience in my own bathroom; and the sweet presence of my kitty cats.
This is a busy weekend. It is our local Summer Arts Festival. Hubby plays in a Jazz group that will perform at 11:30, 1:30 and 3:30. It is a beautiful morning after a week of powerful winds and torrential rains.
Do you remember our 'Toad in the Hole' making-Football Coach-Social Studies Teacher from Central High School? Today is his Wedding Day and we will celebrate with him and his lovely bride this evening.

This weekend also marks the first day of summer, the longest day of the year. Enjoy the warmth of the sun and sights and smells of nature. These peonies are some in my mom's flower bed.

Friday, June 19, 2009

When your boyfriend turns 90...

How do you celebrate? With flowers and a nice dinner, of course! My mom's gentleman friend, Ken, had his 90th birthday yesterday. They usually don't buy each other see, at this point in their life they are trying to get rid of stuff, not acquire more. But, a 90th birthday...this is special. So I took her out to pick out the perfect hanging basket. The shepherd's hook is from our family. He must like was on display by his front door early this morning.
For dinner we drove out to The Cove. It is out at the resort. We asked for a table by the window with a beautiful view of the lake. The food was delicious and the darling waitresses sang to him. They couldn't believe he is 90. But them, I'm sure they thought I was old!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

You're as Young as You Feel

Meet my mom. She is 88. She is not elderly. Those are the people she visits over at the Heartland Care Center.
She still lives alone. She was cleaning on Monday and was wondered how I clean my blinds...she said she usually climbs up into her kitchen sink to get the ones that hang there. I said, 'Hold on...I'll be there tomorrow...just wait for me'. So we have been cleaning like crazy women. No clothes line at her place so we hung her drapes from the tree in the front. Not sure what the neighbors thought...but we were loving the fresh breeze.

Here she is with her sisters. I'm guessing it must be the 80's...check out those shoulder pads and the size of their glasses. Her older sister, the serious sister, Enid died about 6 years ago and her younger sister, the fun loving sister, Fern died just this past spring. They always seemed to have the best time when they were together.
I have always wished that I had a sister...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday's Topics ~ Lucky Blog Girl and Cat Salad

It is raining so hard and for so long that we have a small pond in our back yard and a river running down the street in the front...The wind blew the patio furniture around breaking off some of our potted flowers...
So...those of you that follow my blog know that I have won more blog give aways than the average blogger. My hubby really wants to take me to Vegas to try my luck there. Anyway, I always just love the packages that come to me in the mail. It totally makes my day and hope that the packages that I send out also cheer someone else up...even just a little.
This delightful paperweight came a few weeks ago from Creations Anew. This has a special place on my desk. Please check out her web page. Robin's photography is beautiful.

Shortly after that, I won these adorable fabrics from Jane. I might have inherited the 'too pretty to use' syndrome from my mom...since I am not a quilter, I was not sure I could do these fabrics justice, so have entrusted them to a fellow South Dakota blogger and quilter...and I am anxious to see her wonderful creation. Please stop by to see both of these blogspots.

Another good blog friend and quilter, Mary, sent this perfect little pouch. It came in May...just when school was a bit stressful and I needed a pick-me-up. I use it in my purse to protect my camera.

At the end of May I won this book from Shauna. Perfect timing as school was out and I'm always looking for some good reads. This looks like something I will pass on to my daughters when I am finished.

I brought some of the broken-off flowers into the house and within less than a minute, Callie was right there.

She was relentless...Lucy, on the other hand...not interested...she's napping. The sweet flower, in its vase, is now in my bathroom, with the door closed.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Decorating on a Dime

We have just returned home from helping our youngest daughter move into her first apartment. Here she is with the UHaul trailer that was filled to capacity with all of her worldly possessions. When you are 20 and in college, you decorate in the 'Shabby Chic' or 'Trash to Treasure' Style of Interior Design.
Here is a little tour...this is the view from the door. A cute round table and corridor kitchen. To the immediate left is the living room and large sliding glass doors to a perfect little patio.

Well, we unloaded the UHaul and needed some nourishment. This great little Sandwich Deli is within walking distance of her apartment.

And after cleaning, scrubbing, washing, dusting, unpacking, assembling, vacuuming, arranging, we needed a shopping break.

Back to the tour. Her bathroom is darling. The shower curtain (KMart, on sale) ties all the colors together...her dorm rug, graduation towel sets, bathroom accessories from home.
For her kitchen, she pulled together hand-me-downs from her sister, both grandmas, me, the church rummage sale, community garage sales, and our 2nd hand store. It is just too cute!

And the living room..the TV stand is a new purchase (WalMart Clearance item). But the hide-a-bed couch and two rocking chairs were given to her by good family friends. I think they are perfect!

Friday, June 12, 2009 no one is watching...

Johnny Cavelle has retired after 40 years of teaching. The Cavelle Dance Studio was the dance studio in our community. There are other programs that promote themselves as recreational dance programs, but Johnny Cavelle was professional. You got there on time, went to the bathroom before class started, did not talk or chew gum. To graduate you needed to study and pass exams. Johnny would bring in examiners from the National Cecchetti Council of America. Here are the girls with Johnny, now 72, and with Miss Vickie, his #1 assistant, who will open her own studio this fall. This was performance week and oh, so many sweet memories.
During Performance Week, our life was all about dance...practicing in the living room and preparing the costumes. You see, the costumes were ordered and distributed to the girls in a baggie about the size of a bread bag. At home, we would take out the contents...a tutu and lots of extra parts...head pieces, chokers, arm bands, flowers, bows, etc. And it was up to each mom to guess how to put it all together. Often we needed to be prepared to make changes right there at the dress rehearsal.
So, the Costume Preparation...pressing yards and yards of netting, making barrettes out of lace and silk flowers, attaching clear elastic to hats, stitching straps in place, shortening pants, cleaning shoes...
Finally...Dress Rehearsal Day...This was an all day affair...One had to wake early to pack a Mommy pins, bobby pins, dippity doo, hair spray, mascara, eye shadow, lipstick, a stapler, healthy & not messy snacks, water, extra tights, the rehearsal schedule, the rules, the checkbook and camara.
The rules...Johnny put on a professional show because everyone was expected to follow the rules. Hair in a bun, no bangs, no part, if you wear a part, it was to be exceptions...Shoes were to be polished (with toothpaste) and tap shoe ribbons were to be washed...and pressed...and bring a pair of dad's old socks to wear over your shoes in the flash photography...dancers need to stay in the dressing rooms..with no food and clear beverages only...stay in your seats (this rule for moms and dads)...leave dancers in the dressing rooms till end of performance... Now, while all of this sounds strict...I realized the importance after attending a recreational dance recital and the Johnny Cavelle Dance Performance. There was a difference. Johnny put on a show.
Independence...when girls reach middle school age, they don't need their moms and the Mommy Bag anymore. They pack their own stuff and ride with older sisters and they all help each other out. The Moms were left at home to worry if they would have the right stuff at the right tights, black tights, nude tights, fishnet tights, hats, arm bands, scarves, canes, ballet shoes, tap shoes, jazz shoes, character shoes, both shoes...
Johnny Cavelle has helped shape the lives of over 24,000 young men & women. It is a large part of who our daughters are today. They are self-disciplined...they are graceful and poised...they are creative and expressive.
They are Johnny Cavelle dancers.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Things in my House Thursday XIX

The Peanut Butter Boy
Artistic Talent runs in my Hubby's family. His sister painted this picture and gave it to us as a wedding gift 28 years ago. She was a Senior in high school and was one of the bridesmaids in our wedding. Our first house had a breakfast nook and this was just perfect there...I think that is what she had in mind when she created him. However, he has just seemed to fit which ever house has been our home. Little did she know that even after all these years...everyone in our family still just loves peanut butter toast!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Whatcha Workin on Wednesday?

Americana Summer Celebration
Etsy Team, The Old Farmhouse Gathering, has been busy creating and organizing for this special summer celebration that begins today. These sellers are know for their primitive style of crafting...shabby, yet chic...
To check out all of our new listings, type scofg into your Etsy Search bar...or simply click here.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday is for Monster Cookies

Monster Cookies
3 eggs
1 1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup granulated sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. white syrup
1/2 cup butter
1 1/2 cups peanut butter
4 1/2 cups oatmeal
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup butterscotch chips
1 cup mini M&Ms

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Mix eggs, brown sugar, sugar, vanilla, baking soda, white syrup, butter, peanut butter, and oatmeal in a large mixing bowl. Stir until combined. Then mix chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, and M&Ms into the dough. Drop by 1/4 cup measuring cup onto greased cookie sheets. Bake at 350 degrees for 12 minutes. Do not over bake. Cool on wire racks.

Our Furry Friends are such Faithful Friends ~Sharing Some Sad News ~We said Goodbye to our Sweet Lizzie

It has been two weeks since we said goodbye and stood by her side as Lizzie crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Lizzie had the sweetest personality....